
Party Building Activities

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Focus on the one-stop overall solution for the future injection molding plant !

Party Building Activities

Shenda Machinery Company organized the theme Party Day activities of "Remembering revolutionary martyrs and promoting high-quality development"


On the morning of April 3, Shenda Machinery Company organized the theme Party Day activities of "Remembering revolutionary martyrs and promoting high-quality development", and visited the memorial hall of the New Fourth Army in the sand village of Deqing County, and members of the company's leadership, party members and some party activists participated in the activities.


Deqing County sand village new four army memorial Hall is located in Deqing County Luoshe town sand village, Deqing County is the only one of the new Fourth Army memorial hall. With the theme of promoting red culture and inheriting the revolutionary spirit, the memorial Hall integrates the collection, display and patriotic education of items related to the theme, and records the history of the New Fourth Army in Shacun and the history of the Anti-Japanese War of the Deqing people in detail.


Sand village New Fourth Army memorial Hall volunteer docent for all visitors on the scene on a vivid party lesson, war years, eventful years, heroic deeds, can sing and cry, emotional. The narrator used her simple language and sincere emotions to tell the story of the Red War of Resistance that once happened in the Luoshe area, alerting everyone not to forget history, not to forget the original heart, and continue to move forward.


All Party members at the scene in the face of the party flag to relive the oath to join the party, we raised the right arm, solemnly swore, do not forget the original heart, remember the mission, set sail on a new journey, "loyalty to the party, active work, struggle for communism for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, never betray the party."


Adhere to the learning, thinking and application, the unity of knowledge, faith and practice, and strive to solve the six aspects of theoretical learning, political quality, ability, responsibility, work style, integrity and self-discipline in practical work, combine the theme education with the promotion of high-quality development of the company, and promote the high-quality development of Shenda Machine company to a new level!

Everyone said that they should inherit the legacy of the martyrs, enhance their sense of responsibility and mission, do not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, õÖÀ÷ work hard, brave and forge ahead, and contribute their own strength to the high-quality development of Shenda!
